Corsair Merchant Partners (“CMP”) is a merchant banking firm engaged in the activity of making direct controlling investments in selected privately-owned companies or projects on a global basis representing the Manufacturing, Energy, Natural Resources and Technology (i.e. “M.E.N.T”) industry sectors. CMP is also engaged in the activity of sourcing and securing a variety of energy fuel products (i.e., JP 54, D2, etc.) on behalf of our developing global clients (see “Global Oil & Gas Products” under “Our Business” section).
Corsair Advisory Partners Group (“CAPG”) is a corporate finance advisory firm that provides strategic M&A advisory services to companies, primarily in the M.E.N.T. industry sectors. CAPG will establish an in-house capital funding operation; as well as provide value-added management consulting services to such companies or projects.
Corsair Merchant Partners Group (“CMPG”) is a merchant banking firm that makes direct, non-controlling equity investments in and/or provides debt capital to companies or projects within the M.E.N.T. industry sectors. A major strength and project management focus is the Department of Defense’s Base Realignment and Closure program initiative (B.R.A.C.); whereby the primary objective is to reduce DoD costs by closing or realigning a growing number of Air Force, Naval, Army & Marine bases throughout the continental USA [see B.R.A.C. Services section].
The three corporate entities (collectively referred to as “CMPUniverse”) have established strategic relationships but are separate, legal and independent corporate entities. They are led by strong and experienced senior management teams that inspire a strong culture of achievement, teamwork, loyalty, diversity and ethics. We honor and respect proprietary client information. There are no securities trading nor underwriting. Our most important assets are our people, capabilities and reputations.
Corsair Merchant Partners, Corsair Advisory Partners Group and Corsair Merchant Partners Group are not a United States Securities Dealer, Broker or U.S. Investment Advisor. Corsair business activities involve direct investment for our own purposes and advisory/consulting services on behalf of our clients. We are not engaged in any proprietary trading of securities or underwriting of any securities; in any form or manner.